  • Alkaline


    8.6 1.8 2025-03-26

Quickly look up the alkalinity and acidity of food.

BACKGROUND: Research has shown that a healthy diet consists of Alkaline food. A diet of Alkaline food can help you lose weight or reduce bad breath. This app allows you to quickly search food to help you maintain your Alkaline diet.

FUNCTIONALITY: This simple app has an index of the most common foods. You can search for any food and quickly find out its pH level (acid, neutral, Alkaline).

Alkaline FOOD EXAMPLES: most fruits and vegetables, soybeans, tofu, some nuts, seeds, and legumes.

ACIDIC FOOD EXAMPLES: dairy, eggs, meat, most grains, and processed foods.

THE SCIENCE: A pH level measures how acid or Alkaline something is. It ranges from 0 (totally acidic) to 14 (completely Alkaline). Your blood is slightly Alkaline, with a pH level between 7.35 and 7.45. The Alkaline diet claims to help your body maintain its blood pH level

The foods you're supposed to eat on the Alkaline diet are good for you because of it consists of lots of fruits and vegetables. Also, avoiding sugar, alcohol, and processed foods is healthy weight-loss advice.

Creative Commons Attributions:

- Spinach icon created by Joyce Lin: https://thenounproject.com/term/spinach/11469/

- Feature graphic image created by Rick Ligthelm: https://flic.kr/p/hygVKG

What's New in the Latest Version 1.8

Last updated on Sep 4, 2015 Added hundreds of more foods!

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